Saturday, June 11, 2011




All our joy, Lord, all our pain, all the times we’ve met You, Lord, we recall again. Now we wish to show our love; through gifts we make it known. Take what we bring; make us Your own.


Like the dew that carpets dawn, Your love for us per-vades the morn and meets us at each corner, in each smile. And though it lingers through the day, our minds will turn and drift away, so here we come to thank and to recall. (Ant)


To touch our hearts and make them feel that all the love You claim is real, You sent Your Son in laughter and in tears. But He not only talked; He died. His bruises showed the love inside and through our gifts the love we feel appears. (Ant)



All that I am, all that I do, all that I’ll ever have, I offer now to You. All that I dream, all that I pray, all that I’ll ever make, I give to You today.


Take and sanctify these gifts for Your honor, Lord. Kno-wing that I love and serve You enough reward. (Ant)



All that we have and all that we offer comes from a heart both frightened and free. Take what we bring now and give what we need, all done in His name.


Some men rely on their power, others put trust in their gold. Some men have only their Savior, whose faithfulness never grows old.(Ant)


Sometimes the road may be lonesome, often we may lose our way. Take courage and always remember, love isn’t just for a day. (Ant)


Sometimes when troubles are many, life can seem empty, its true, but look at the life of the Master, who lovingly suffered

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