Saturday, June 11, 2011



O Salutaris hostia, quae Caeli pandis ostium. Bella premunt hostilia; da robur, fer auxilium.


Uni trinoque Domino, sit sempiterna gloria; qui vitam sine termino, nobis donec in patria. Amen.



Tantum ergo Sacramentum, veneremur cernui. Et antiquum documentum, novo cedat ritui. Praestet fides supplementum, sensuum defectui.


Genitori, genitoque; laus et jubilatio; salus honor, virtus quoque, sit et benedictio. Procedenti ab utroque compar sit laudatio. Amen.



Come let us adore Him. He is here! He is here! Just as he has promised with us always. Indeed here He’s hidden. He is here! He is here! All hail! All praise! He is here!


All old rites have faded. He is here! He is here! As priest and as victim when the Church prays. Our faith here perceives Him. He is here! He is here! All hail! All praise! He is here!

(Antiphon 1)

He is here! Prince of peace and joy and glory! He is here! Friend of the poor and those needing love. He is here! Though the sings keep their own story. He is here! Since by his word he comes here from above.


He knew that we’d need Him. He is here! He is here! Now and as always for us He prays. Through this true giving. He is here! He is here! Our peace, our thanks and our praise!

(Antiphon 2)

Glory be to the Father ever living. Glory be to His own Son like Him in all ways! Glory be to the Spirit of all life-giving. To the Three, praise ever was and shall be through all days.


(Tune: Down in the Valley)

Here in this mystery which we adore. Sacrament, holy, found evermore. Worship replacing all ancient rite. Faith here supplanting senses as sight. Praise to the Father, praise to the Son, Praise to the Spirit, God Three in One. Give to them honor, worship and laud, now and forever give praise to God.

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